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Defining Sales Order Export Form


Fielld Description
Batch No. Automatically created on save and is controlled by the System Numbers form with the Description EDIPickProcessBatchNo
Staff Member Updated with the login user name of the person who created the batch
Date Created System date the batch was created
Date Activated System date the batch was activated from the Record Activate menu option

Invoice No: Displays first and last invoice number in the database. Change as required by selecting from the search window
Order No: Order number field from each sales order. Change as required by selecting from the search window
Account No. Debtor account number - first and last account in the database. Change as required by selecting from the search window
Processed Date First and last processing date in the database. Change as required.
EDI Pick Status First and last status from the database. Change as required by selecting from the drop down list.
Debtor Classification First and last classifications in the database. Change as required by selecting from the search window

Tick Box Options

Tick or leave boxes blank to refine the sales orders to be selected for export

  • Only snapshots with at least one shippable item
  • Only snapshots that are not appearing on any other batch
  • Only snapshots that are not exported on any other batch
  • Only snapshots with delivery docket printed
  • Processed SO snapshots only


Export Lines that are to be exported need to be Ticked
Invoice No: Invoices are populated into the grid when Find Invoices is selected. Invoices can also be manually selected from the search window attached to this field
History No. Relevant sales order history number
Order No Relevant customer order number
Processed Date Date the selected snapshot was processed
Debtor Account No. Associated debtor account number
Debtor Name Associated debtor account name
Debtor Classification Classification attached to the sales order at the time the sales order was created
EDI Pick Status Current status of the snapshot. This is updated as sales order are exported

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